How to Create a SMS Template

To create an SMS template, you’re going to go to settings, then to SMS templates. Once you’re here, you’re going to be able to add a new template. When you’re creating a new template, you’re going to give it a name, so let’s just give, testing template. You’ll also have the option of creating either a company or a personal template. Now, company templates are only available to the main account holders or admins within the CRM system, so if you’re a sub user, you’ll only have the option of making a personal template, which means it’s personal to you.

On the right hand side, you’re going to notice that we do have some shortcodes. So there’s lead shortcodes, these shortcodes are all relevant to the lead’s information. So if I put a message, “Hi, first name, I just sent you an email to…” and then email, it would actually populate that lead’s email address. Now, if we go down to agent shortcodes, there’s two of them where it could be your first name or your last name. You do have an element shortcode, so the element shortcode will replace morning, afternoon or evening with the time of day. So how to use this example would be, “Good,” and then a space, and then you’re going to click, hold, drag and drop, and then this, depending on… So if I sent this in the morning, it would say, “Good morning,” and then you can drag, again, your lead shortcode, so if we add… Making sure you put spaces, just as if you’re typing. So this would come out as, “Good morning, Crystal.”

To carry this on using shortcode, you also have the ability to pull the lead’s activity. So the activity is reflective of what they were doing. The lead visited user website is the website domain name that your lead gen is typically on, so the site that they registered on or their viewing. Now you can pull shortcode through your SMSs to make it seem like it’s a personal message. So you can say something like, “I sent you some listings to your email,” and then you can put their email address in there, for example, comma, for, and then going down here, most viewed city, and dragging and dropping that in there. That would then create it so that you could say, “Good morning, Crystal. I sent you some listings to your email,, for…” and then let’s say Toronto or Vancouver, or where have you. So it makes it appear to be custom to that individual.

Now, when you’re done creating your template, you’re simply just going to scroll down and make sure you save that template. And then the page will refresh, so if you wanted to create more templates, you can. You can also load existing templates if you wish to as well, that you may have saved, as a personal.