Filters are a great way to create very specific audiences for yourself.
To use and save filters what you’re simply going to do is click on the add filter item and select the filter that you wish to apply. So let’s just choose campaigns. And I want to pull up all my leads I have, let’s say this campaign assigned to them. When I apply this filter it’s now going to show me all the leads that are currently on this specific campaign.
Now I can continue to add filters, so let’s say I wanted to add a filter for pipeline, and in this pipeline I only want leads that I’ve made contact with. So their pipeline right here is indicating that we’ve made contact with them. Again, if we apply the filter it’s now adding that additional filter and the results are now decreased because eight of those leads were not in the main contact pipeline.
Now, if we ever want to save a filter we’re simply just going to go up here to the filter name section and give it a name, so I’m just going to go test filter. And we have two options to save those filters. The personal option, this is for any sub user you will only have the ability to create personal filters for yourself. If you’re a team lead or an admin you will have the ability to create company filters as well. So company filters means that anyone within your organization that has a user account in your CRM system has the ability to access that filter. So if we go create company filter you’re going to notice these little confirmation pop-ups, but if we go back up here we’re going to now notice that that test filter is now in the company filter section. Had we of saved that as a personal filter what would happen is it’s going to show in your personal filter, so personal filters are personal to the person that created those filters.
So once you’ve created and saved a filter you don’t need to keep using the filter section, you simply apply one of your saved filters and it’s going to apply all the filters that were used to create that filter for you.
Now in the off chance that maybe you want to update your filter, maybe we want to change the activity from 30 to 60 days instead, we would simply apply this filter, and then it would just show you the new results when you do that, and then click the update option. The update option is what’s going to now save this as the new filter moving forward. So if I go off of this filter back to the test filter as an example, and then back to that same filter, we’re going to see that that 60 days has now saved as being part of that filter.