Release 2.26.

New Features and Updates:

CRM - Zapier - Update Lead by Email

When an agent uses the “Update Lead in AgentLocator” action for the AgentLocator CRM, leads will now be matched by email instead of lead ID. This will make the functionality more useful to agents. Additionally, agents will be able to add tags to updated leads, in the same manner as when using the action “Create Lead in AgentLocator”.

Key Features:

  1. Lead Matching by Email:
    • Leads will now be found and updated based on their email address rather than their unique lead ID.
    • This method simplifies the process of updating lead information, especially when the lead ID is not readily available.
  2. Adding Tags to Updated Leads:
    • Agents will have the ability to add tags to updated leads.
    • This functionality is identical to that available when creating new leads, allowing for better organization and segmentation of leads.


  • Improved Usability: Using email to match leads allows agents to update information more easily and with fewer obstacles.
  • Better Organization: Adding tags during lead updates enables better classification and more effective tracking of interactions with leads.
  • Time Savings: The ability to quickly update lead information without needing the lead ID allows agents to work more efficiently and productively.

How to Use:

  1. Updating Leads:
    • When using Zapier to update a lead in the AgentLocator CRM, select the “Update Lead in AgentLocator” option.
    • Ensure you provide the lead’s email address to ensure correct matching.
  2. Adding Tags:
    • When updating a lead, add relevant tags in the designated fields.
    • Tags will help categorize and segment leads for more targeted follow-up actions.

See how it works:

Feeds - ITSO/ITSO VOW - Common Interest

We are adding a Common Interest filter to the ITSO and ITSO VOW feeds. This new filter will allow users to further refine their search criteria.

Key Features:

  • Common Interest Filter:
    • Users will now have the ability to filter properties based on common interests.
    • This feature will be available in both ITSO and ITSO VOW feeds.


  • Enhanced Search Capabilities: This filter allows users to narrow down property searches based on specific common interest criteria.
  • Improved User Experience: By enabling more precise searches, users can find properties that better match their needs and preferences.
  • Competitive Advantage: Providing this level of detailed filtering helps keep our platform competitive by aligning with user expectations and industry standards.

How to Use:

  1. Applying the Filter:
    • When conducting a property search, locate the Common Interest filter in the search options.
    • Select the relevant common interest criteria to refine your search results.
  2. Reviewing Results:
    • The search results will now be tailored to include properties that meet the selected common interest criteria.
    • Users can view and compare properties that align more closely with their specific interests.

The addition of the Common Interest filter to the ITSO and ITSO VOW feeds enhances our platform’s search capabilities, offering users more refined and relevant search results. This improvement ensures a better user experience and aligns us with industry standards.

Please contact our support team if you have any questions or need further assistance.

See how it works:

Need help with our new features?

 If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact our support team at, and we will be happy to help!


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