
Release 2.24.

New Features and Updates: CRM – Tasks – Notification Prior to Task Due Date We are introducing a new feature that allows users to set reminders for individually created tasks. Users can choose to receive notifications at various intervals prior to the task due date. Here’s how it works: Key Features: Customizable Reminders: Users can

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Release 2.23.

New Features and Updates: CMS – Featured Listings – Criteria Should Work in Combination with Agent ID/Brokerage/City The results will be returned based on a combination of Agent ID, Brokerage, and City alongside the specified listing criteria in the Featured Listings widget settings. This means that: Listings will be filtered to match the Agent ID/Brokerage/City

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Release 2.22.

New Features and Updates: CRM – Shortcodes – [LeadVisitedUserWebsite] Integration We are introducing a new shortcode, [LeadVisitedUserWebsite], which allows clients to dynamically insert the URL of their legacy website into various communications within the CRM. This improvement aims to improve automation and provide clients with more flexibility in communication strategies. Key Features: Dynamic URL Generation:

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Release 2.21.

New Features and Updates: Introducing Email-based Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Enforcing it for All Users We’re pleased to introduce Email-based Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on our platform. This addition will further enhance the security of your user accounts and protect them from unauthorized access. Key Features: Email-based 2FA: When a user logs into a new device

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Release 2.20.

New Features and Updates: CMS Update: Autocomplete Suggestions in Website Search Bar We are thrilled to announce a significant improvement to our website search functionality. Users will experience autocomplete suggestions in the search bar and type ahead filters with this update. When a website user enters any character, suggestions matching the inputted value to the

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Release 2.19.

New Features and Updates: CMS Update: Source Specific for Preconstruction Projects in CMS We are excited to announce a new feature in our CMS that will greatly improve lead tracking and management for preconstruction projects. By introducing a source-specific preconstruction project, agents can now easily identify which project a lead signed up for, regardless of

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Release 2.18.

New Features and Updates: CRM Update: Lead Reassignment and Access Management in CRM We are thrilled to introduce a significant enhancement to our CRM that puts you in control of lead access when reassigning. This feature comes in response to specific client requests, offering improved lead management capabilities within your team. Key Features: Automatic/Non-Automatic Access

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Release 2.17.

New Features and Updates: CMS Update: Property Details Page Redesign in CMS We are thrilled to introduce a redesigned Property Details page in our CMS that offers a more engaging and user-friendly experience. This redesign enhances the presentation of property information, streamlines navigation, and aims to boost conversion rates for your real estate listings. Key

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Release 2.16.

New Features and Updates: CRM Update: Improved Navigation and Search Within the Email Template Section We are excited to introduce a user-friendly enhancement to our CRM’s email templates feature. This update significantly improves the user experience by allowing users to seamlessly navigate email templates, making it more efficient and convenient to access and use templates

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